

Very transparently, I am not a very relaxed person. I believe I hold an immense amount of tension in... well, everywhere. As you may have heard in my videos, I recently have received learned that I don't relax. I do "relaxing" things. I practice yoga. I go on walks with my puppies. I scrapbook (digitally). I read. But when I really started thinking about it... are those things actually relaxing me? I am not that sure anymore. 

-I practice yoga... it's power yoga and it is in a 100 degree studio.
-I go on walks... one of my puppies developed a gross habit of eating rabbit poop, so I spend walks on high alert. 
-I scrapbook... and every second I feel guilty for not doing something "more productive." 
-I read... business books and HBR articles. 

Zach, my husband, pointed out that relaxing isn't just about going through the motions of a "relaxing activity." It is about getting the benefit at the end. About actually feeling, well... relaxed

So he has challenged the Kadima team to spend July practicing this concept of relaxing with the goal of experiencing the feeling of relaxed. I don't know what it will exactly look like, but I invite you to join us on this challenge: To do something relaxing every day. 

In order to set forth on this mission, I need to provide some structure for myself (I know, that doesn't sound very relaxing... but it will help me actually relax!). Below are the four things I am committing to for the month. Maybe they will help you on your relaxation journey:

I will do something relaxing every day. I am going to aim to switch it up. I am going to pick up a fiction book for the month (any good recommendations?). I will journal. I will go to bed early. I will paint my nails. The activity will depend on the day and I am gong to work hard to listen to what my mind, body, and soul will find relaxing in that moment. 

I will not worry if it is deemed relaxing to anyone else. I may decide to do something that other's don't think is "relaxing." That's ok. I am doing this for me, not for them. 

I will pause when I feel stress. This is NOT about the action, this is about the result. If I start experiencing stress, or my mind starts making lists, I will pause, and listen to what I need. Maybe I need to pivot to productivity. I can always revisit my relaxation later. Maybe I need to quiet my mind and re-engage with my relaxation. My to-do list will still be there when I am done!

I will document my journey. I truly want to learn how to incorporate this idea of relaxing into my life. I believe it will be a healthy practice for me. Therefore, I am committing to document my journey, but I am not committing to the documentation method. Maybe some days it will be a video, some days a picture, some days a journal entry, maybe even some days a piece of art!

Here is to a month of decreasing stress and developing a new skill!