Should We Just Give Up on 2020?


We are halfway through the year - a strange year, I will give you that - but halfway through none-the-less. I have been seeing silly memes out there where people reference how they thought 2020 was going to be the year they got their life together… and how that determination was laughed at as a world health crisis pushed us into isolation and changed the course of our future for the foreseeable future. 

I get it - we didn't know what was going on. We have been put in a position where we are nervous about our health and scared for loved ones. We have been curious about our jobs - what they look like and what that means moving forward. We have suddenly had to ask - what if I can’t get more toilet paper… a question I never thought I would be asking! All of that takes capacity and mentally limits the energy we can put into our self-actualization. 

But does that mean we give up on our aspirations for this year? NO! Absolutely no. 

Are there real concerns out there? YES. Absolutely yes. However, if we allow the fear of some of these circumstances (which are mostly outside of our control) dictate our ability to thrive, we minimize the conditions in which we develop. 

Maybe we need to turn 2020 into the Year of Resilience. How can we put ourselves in a position where we say, “I see you world health crisis… and even so, I am going to thrive!” In order to do that, we need to rethink how we move forward. 


Zach (my husband) and I joined a Hot Yoga Barre Studio the beginning of March. We bought new, matching yoga mats (aren’t we so cute!) and were loving the classes. We were feeling like this was the thing that was going to get us in shape! And then… they closed. We have constantly lamented on the fact we haven’t been able to go to those classes. It is a drag, but if we allowed that to dictate our workout routine, we would be doing nothing. Instead, we have been taking my mother’s virtual barre and core classes (they are awesome) and running 2 miles (almost) every day! 

We have to get creative. I work with clients all the time who are so stuck in the how, they forget it is about the outcome. Zach and I wanted to start moving our bodies, increase our flexibility and strength, and have a shared experience. Although we were excited about the studio we joined, it certainly isn't the only way to achieve those outcomes. I work with a campaign-based organization. 100% of their funds they raise are solicited and raised at in person events and 90% of those funds are pledged and collected in the first six months of the year. You know where I am going with that… they were obviously unable to execute on any of that. So, they have gone back to the drawing board with the outcome in mind because the how has to change. 

What were your goals this year? How can you rethink the how without giving up on the outcome? 

We at Kadima have built a planner to help you be successful at achieving your goals for the rest of 2020. Order yours today and make your 2020 a productive and intentional year!
