Kadima Yearly Planner 2021

Kadima Yearly Planner 2021

from $50.00

This custom Kadima Planner is for the entire 2021! The planner includes the following:

-Quarter Planning Pages
-Month at-a-Glance Pages (with monthly to-do-lists)
-Week at-a-Glance Pages (with daily to-do-lists, notes section, habit tracker)
-Future Quarter Planning Pages
-Year End Reflection Pages 
-Goal Setting Pages

Paper planning is one of our deepest loves. Putting that little “check” next to a task fills us with joy, a sense of accomplishment, and recognition that we are moving forward in an impactful way. Where the digital world has simplified our calendars, we have found we are most productive when we document our to-do-lists by putting pen to paper. Therefore, we have created a planner, born of our selfish desire to plan and organize our life in the way that worked best for us. However, we have found that others have been seeking this experience as well! We are thrilled to have the opportunity to get our Kadima Planner in your hands and help you intentionally plan for your days, months, and years!

We have made our planner small (8.5x8) so it fits easily in your purse and doesn’t take up too much room on your desk. We intentionally gave it a coil bound so you can fold it open to the current date and let it lay flat. We have provided a specific number of task lines a day – the goal isn’t to mark everything down that you wish you could do today… the goal is to set yourself up for success and set realistic expectations so you conclude your day feeling accomplished, not behind. We also believe in enhancing your personal development so we have created habit tracking through the week-at-a-glance pages.

Our planner is consistently evolving – and that evolution always comes from those who are using it! Please share your feedback and what you would like to see to make your planning even more efficient and effective.

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