Elect Yourself 

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This month we again get to participate in an amazing opportunity that is quite unique to America. Elections are special and the ability to peacefully choose whom we wish to lead our country is a great gift and responsibility we have been given. Over the years, however, I have noticed that we put too much trust and rely too heavily on our elected leaders to influence our lives. Every four years people threaten to move out of the country if their candidate does not win, and far too often, employees and business owners call out sick simply because they cannot absorb the shock and despair when their candidate loses. The risk of one-party wining over another generates hysteria and division and the results tend to magnify those feelings for one side every election cycle.  

But we need to remember, while we are voting for people to lead our country, and our communities, we are not voting for them to lead us. Politicians may shape policy and those policies at times may be liberating and at other times they may be hurdles but ultimately, we are the President of our life. We are a governing body of one, and we get to choose how our life is lived.  

So after you cast your ballot for the President of the United States of America, I encourage you to cast a second more personal and important ballot for yourself.*  Choose to be the President of Your Life and reclaim the control and influence you deserve to own for yourself. 

*This second ballot is figurative.
